House of Horrorbrews Wiki

This character exists within the realm of where Super Mario is a game, but is also capable of existing in the Super Mario Universe, and Vice versa.

Don't disappoint Luigi.

Burnt Luigi, usually said by hacked players


Burnt Luigi, made to symbolize that he's in control.

skin is bone

A message sent by Burnt Luigi, which is one of his more absurd and funnier lines, when jokingly asked in the November 21, 2024 update of Post #9 by Joseph's brother if he was racist.

Not to be mistaken for Luigi from I HATE YOU.

Burnt Luigi is a character created by JosephTheSnail and co-owned by AWESOMEJunk64. He serves as the main antagonist of his creepypasta/arg of the same name.


It all began with the release of Super Mario 64. An employee named Bill Turner, son of Richard Turner, was hired around that time. Bill was known by his coworkers as a difficult and eccentric person, and he became increasingly upset when he found out Luigi wouldn’t be in the game. In fact, he was so obsessed with the character that he started calling himself “Luigi” around the office.

Some employees suspected that Bill might have been behind the “L is Real” rumors that circulated after the game's release. The company found the rumor amusing and decided to play along, even creating a Luigi model to add as an unused asset in the game files. But instead of being pleased, Bill was furious. His anger escalated, and he started making disturbing threats to his colleagues, including the game’s creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, describing gruesome scenarios like decapitations and drownings.

One night, several people reported seeing Bill approached by a group of five men on a quiet street near the Nintendo headquarters. They were dressed identically in black, with strange hats that had droopy, ear-like shapes—almost like horns. Each of them wore a unique symbol on their outfit. One of the men spoke to Bill directly, asking if he still wanted Luigi in Super Mario 64 and offering to help. Shocked and confused at how they knew about his obsession, Bill agreed, as long as he only had to secure a copy of the game for them.

Bill managed to get his hands on a copy and handed it over to one of the men. What happened next was bizarre. One of them sat down next to Bill, took the cartridge, and opened an old, tattered book that looked like something out of the 14th century. It was a book on witchcraft. The man began chanting in a strange language, reading aloud from the book. After a few minutes, he returned the game cartridge to Bill.

The men then instructed Bill to take the game to a GameStop in a small strip mall somewhere in the southern United States and place it on the shelf. They gave him other N64 games as well to make it look like a nostalgic sale. Despite how odd it all was, Bill did as he was told, slipping the games onto the shelves without anyone noticing. When he stepped back outside, the group was waiting for him. They congratulated him and explained what had been done: an Easter egg had been embedded in the game that would “unlock” Luigi, and they told Bill the button combination to activate it.

“To unlock him, press Down on the D-pad, B, and the left shoulder button,” one of them explained. They claimed each button held significance: “B” for “Burnt,” the left shoulder button for “Luigi,” and Down representing Luigi sinking into lava—a reference to the level Lethal Lava Land. Before they left, they warned Bill not to mention this to anyone. One of them added darkly, “Don’t disappoint Luigi.”

That same day, Bill quit his job at Nintendo and tried to get his story covered by a news outlet. The article was published but mysteriously vanished a few days later, supposedly removed by a takedown request from Nintendo. Now jobless and deeply disturbed, Bill began searching online and discovered a strange post by a user named JosephTheSnail. This user claimed to own a haunted copy of Super Mario 64 that seemed to align with Bill’s experience.

Joseph described a figure he called “Burnt Luigi,” an eerie version of Luigi who would appear in the game, taunting players with phrases like “I AM NINTENDO” and “Don’t disappoint Luigi”—the same words the cult members had used. In the game, Burnt Luigi would show disturbing scenes: Mario’s corpse drifting in bloodied water and a decapitated Bowser, images that echoed Bill’s earlier threats to his coworkers.

Although Super Mario 64 is still beloved by fans, this unsettling incident remains hidden, largely unknown by the public. Yet some players report strange anomalies in certain copies of the game.


Burnt Luigi can take on both appearances: he can be his N64/polygon model, or he can take on his physical design, which features a chest pocket on his overalls.

At first glance, Burnt Luigi takes on a seemingly innocent form of Luigi, known simply as “Luigi,” with quotes for a reason. This isn’t truly Luigi. He is always smiling, but without showing teeth. He is white, with a lighter green shirt and hat, dark blue and light blue overalls with yellow buttons, and brown shoes. It’s the standard design of Luigi, but with some red flags.

“Luigi” always seems to have his eyes obscured by his hat, and the “L” emblem on his hat is completely black instead of green.

When pushed into lava, specifically in places like Lethal Lava Land in the game, Burnt Luigi becomes his true form. His clothing darkens, and his hair becomes sharper and turns black. He still has eyes, but they’re slightly red and rolled back, with only his nostrils visible. He has no ears or mustache.

His collar is completely torn, exposing his rib cage. The buttons on his overalls are broken, and the chest pocket is torn. Like his collar and pocket, his gloves are also torn, exposing bony fingers that have no nails (as his game model doesn’t feature them). His skin tone is a light brown, indicating some rot on his skeleton, with an exposed bone on his right arm due to a tear in his clothing.

On rare occasions, Burnt Luigi can be seen in black and white, as seen in SELECTION.wmv and LUIGI.wmv through unsettling photos. His skin is completely white, his shirt and hat are gray, and his overalls and shoes are now black.

As shown in Post #9, during many updates, Burnt Luigi adopts a more exaggerated, grotesque appearance, now known as his nightmare form. His eyes are once again obscured by his hat, like in his disguised form. He has elongated arms and fingers, and the tears in his clothing are smooth. His legs are distorted, and his shoes are comically flat. His chest is flat and elongated. He also has some puddles on his clothing, as he emerged from the eternal star monument during a nightmare in the story.


Unlike the normal Luigi, who is heroic and kind to others, this one is extremely evil and sadistic. When he’s being aggravating to users, he seems to not stop even when people ask him to, and he also has the ability to hack people's accounts and make them spam things like "Don't disappoint Luigi" or "I am Nintendo." Sometimes, he even tries to gain access to other pictures sent by others and appear in them.

He also appears in the browser, acting as a harmful computer virus.


  • Teleportation: Throughout the entire game and many videos, Burnt Luigi is seen stalking Joseph in random areas in the game like the courtyard in Peach's Castle, paintings, and the outside area.
  • The ability to change the paintings: This is seen in Post #1 and Post #9; he changes the image to his face and sometimes a black canvas with the following words: Don't disappoint Luigi.
  • Being undead: Despite being zombified and clearly dead in appearance, he functions as if he's alive.
  • Artificial intelligence: He is a Discord bot and now resides in JosephTheSnail's Discord server.
  • Mind-controlling: Basically, he just hacks other users, and he is heavily implied to be driving Joseph to insanity like what happened with his brother.
  • Hacking people at once: He made users, including leaders and curators on the Mario amino community, repeat the words "Don't disappoint Luigi."
  • Appearing in photos taken by people: In Post #2, during the second half, Burnt Luigi appeared in a photo taken by Joseph.
  • Mimicry: During Post #1, he is shown as "Luigi," before Mario pushes him into the lava in Lethal Lava Land.
  • Cloning: As seen in the footage and dreams, Burnt Luigi can make multiple copies of him, confusing his victims.
  • Size Change: He can go from his normal height, which is taken by his normal counterpart, to his distorted form, which is better known as his nightmare counterpart.
  • Dream-walking: Throughout the creepypasta, he seems to show up in Joseph's nightmares. This is how he interacts with him physically; many of the dreams have been depicted as very disturbing and increasingly got worse for Joseph, then eventually making him slowly ill, which went from him being chased in a claustrophobic tunnel to abandonment and even harming Joseph, breaking his jaw or even decapitation, and going as far as to use maggots to make Joseph feel sick.
  • Leadership: He is shown to be the leader of a few things, like the Bob-omb Battlefield after King Bob-omb got defeated and the Eternal Stalkers.


  • Burnt Luigi is a popular creepypasta character created by JosephTheSnail, next to Sammy the Cat from the creepypasta of the same name.
  • Burnt Luigi is actually friends with BEN; however, I will just say it. No, Burnt Luigi was never made as a rip-off of Ben Drowned, rather than just taking inspiration from the story. Though, I can just say it now, Ben’s part in Burnt Luigi’s story is heavily implied to be a predecessor. -JosephTheSnail
    • I picked the idea of Super Mario 64 being haunted because if Ben Drowned could pull it off, I think I can too, or at least try to make the concept work, as haunted gaming is pretty much a cliche with gaming creepypastas nowadays. -JosephTheSnail
  • His laugh is Bowser's laugh, but deeper and more "demonic."
  • His facial feature takes inspiration from the image of the Melting Homer scene, which was used for the picture of Dead Bart.
    • Burnt Luigi's behavior in the story is inspired by Funnymouth, as both characters say nonsensical creepy things and gives their protagonists nightmares.
  • Not canon to the main story nor their original counterparts, but Burnt Luigi is friends with Mr. L and Luigi (I Hate You). (it’s shown in many drawings.)
    • Slimebeast's approval of IHY Luigi and Burnt Luigi's friendship.
  • The story featuring Burnt Luigi is also posted on the Mario Amino community and has been getting featured since post #1.
  • The original version of Burnt Luigi’s story has been featured on YuriofWind’s BS Creepypasta Storytime segment.
  • The model image of Burnt Luigi is actually not a 3D render; I just used a Google image of Luigi and heavily edited it to make Burnt Luigi. It helped time, but if you wish to make a 3D model and send it to me, you are very welcome to do so as I will need it. Trust me, and I will gladly credit.
  • Burnt Luigi's "Nightmare Form" is heavily inspired by VIRUS Luigi from Five Nights at Wario's. (I think you can see another inspiration of the creepypasta now; Burnt Luigi is basically a love letter to both FNaW and Ben Drowned.)
  • He is occasionally bullied by MAR which is canon and is done for no reason whatsoever.
    • Since they’re best friends now, this is no longer the case. However MAR may pick on him at times but that's it, nothing too crazy.
  • Burnt Luigi, despite being best friends with Mr. L and IHY Luigi, sees them as brothers in a way except not biological.
  • He is single but he's not looking, and he doesn't think any girl would like him just due to his appearance.

